To raise your kids alone is not an easy thing. Often, even in a relashionship, parents are overwhelmed in the daily routine. If you feel hard-rpressed by the events and you feel rushed everywhere without having time to relax, this article is for you. As money can become an important source of stress for monoparental families, we're offering you a few tips to reduce this anxiety.
Debit and credit cards ease a lot our daily lives. However, it can become hard to keep track of our expenses. When you take the decision to pay all of your transactions with cash money, you are making sure to never surpass your budget. You only have to withdraw the money you need. This will help your kids to understand to concept of money and that your bank account is not infinite! By providing you a piggy bank, you can also start to save up all the leftover change at the end of the day. You can even teach your kids the value of daily saving to pay for an activity at the end of the year.
Nobody likes to go to the bank. However, a single visit can allow you to establish a plan to control your spendings. By opening a saving account (CELI, REER or REEE), you are making sure that these funds will not be distributed for useless spendings. The amount can be very small, but the sooner you start to save up, the more you'll add up interests quickly. Other small actions can help you a lot. By example, discuss with you financial conselor about a life insurance. A life insurance for you and your loved one can become handy in the case of a disaster.
These companies know the value of their contract and do not want to lose you. When you call, you can manifest your desire to switch to another company and they will offer you great deals. You can also take this opportunity to reduce your monthly bill by cancelling superfluous services. For about 30$ you can get a good quality anten that will capt about 15 high definition television channels, including the most popular ones.
A bit like calling the banks, nobody likes to contact the government. This action can be long and annoying. However, it has to be knows that a lot of government aid programs exist and are only waiting for applications. Consult your local ACEF to obtain informations et apply online for a lot of interresting and free sessions on budget and indeptedness. The Child Support Program is offered by Quebec government as for the work bonus. Finally, the Government of Canada also offers programs: The PFCE. Ask about different options!
Money can be a sensitive subject. However, this doesn't mean that you are alone in this situation. CLSC's offer support, but also a lot more organisms to help families that are in need. By example, The Promis organism will support you with many services. Also, a lot of Facebook groups have been made to create donations networks in Montreal and all around the province.
In resume, there is a lot of ways you can save up. You only need to think about what is essential for you. By taking the time to ask yourself these questions, you already have a step into financial serenity.