FAQ - Alterfina


Instant Bank Verification (IBV)Periodic Payments (frequency, amount, additional payments, etc.)Deferring a paymentApply for a facilityStatus of my applicationCancel my facility requestReason for denial of my request

Instant Bank Verification (IBV)

If you are experiencing technical difficulties with your IBV, please contact us by phone (1-888-350-7738)

Periodic Payments (frequency, amount, additional payments, etc.)

  • Change my payment frequency
    Would you like to change your payment frequency? Contact us by phone (1-888-350-7738)

  • Make an additional payment
    Want to make an additional payment or pay a balance due? Contact us by phone (1-888-350-7738)

  • Find out the balance of my facility or when my next payment is due
    You can find your current balance and details of your past and future transactions by clicking on Statement in the menu bar.

  • Change my payment amount
    Want to change your payment amount? Contact us by (1-888-350-7738)

Deferring a payment

To postpone your next payment, you must :

  • Click on Summary in the menu bar
  • Go to the Agreement section at the bottom of the page
  • If you meet the eligibility requirements, you will be able to defer your payment *Certain conditions apply

If you need assistance, contact us by phone (1-888-350-7738)

Apply for a facility

Apply for a cash advance or facility increase

To apply for a cash advance or facility increase, you must :

  • Click on Summary in the menu bar
  • Go to the New Request section
  • If you meet the eligibility requirements, you will be able to apply for a cash advance or facility increase *Certain conditions apply

Status of my application

To find out the status of your application, go to the Summary page.

Here are the steps involved in applying for a facility or cash advance:

  • 1.Receipt of your application and IBV (if applicable)
  • 2.Analysis of your borrowing capacity
  • 3.Signature of your contract (if applicable)
  • 4.Sending the funds to your bank account

You will find information on the status of your application in the Summary section of the menu bar.

Cancel my facility request

Want to cancel your facility request? Contact us by phone (1-888-350-7738)

Reason for denial of my request

Following the analysis of your file by the credit department, we have concluded that you do not have the necessary capacity to repay.

Or that you do not meet one or more of our acceptance criteria:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Live in Quebec
  • Be employed for a minimum of three months and/or receive an eligible income*.
  • Be paid by direct deposit in a Canadian banking institution
  • Not be in bankruptcy proceedings
  • Receive a minimum income of $1500 gross per month

*Types of eligible income:

  • Salaried
  • Quebec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP)
  • Commission de la santé et sécurité au travail (CSST)
  • Société d'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ)
  • Allocation de Solidarité Spécifique (ASS) disability
  • Specific Solidarity Allowance (SSA) Salary
  • Various pensions
  • Self-employed worker