If you are experiencing technical difficulties with your IBV, please contact us by phone (1-888-350-7738)
To postpone your next payment, you must :
If you need assistance, contact us by phone (1-888-350-7738)
Apply for a cash advance or facility increase
To apply for a cash advance or facility increase, you must :
To find out the status of your application, go to the Summary page.
Here are the steps involved in applying for a facility or cash advance:
You will find information on the status of your application in the Summary section of the menu bar.
Want to cancel your facility request? Contact us by phone (1-888-350-7738)
Following the analysis of your file by the credit department, we have concluded that you do not have the necessary capacity to repay.
Or that you do not meet one or more of our acceptance criteria:
*Types of eligible income: